Episode 8: Professor Ruth Lopez Turley - September 17, 2020

Episode 8 September 17, 2020 00:41:14
Episode 8: Professor Ruth Lopez Turley - September 17, 2020
Carver Cast: Season 1
Episode 8: Professor Ruth Lopez Turley - September 17, 2020

Sep 17 2020 | 00:41:14


Show Notes

This week, we sat down with Ruth Lopez Turley, professor of sociology at Rice University. She founded the Houston Education Research Consortium (HERC), a research-practice partnership between Rice University and several Houston area school districts, including the Houston Independent School District. Turley also founded the National Network of Education Research-Practice Partnerships (NNERPP), which supports and develops partnerships between research institutions and education agencies throughout the country. 

Turley has served in various elected and appointed positions in local, state, and national levels. Nationally, she has served in leadership positions in the American Sociological Association (ASA), the American Educational Research Association (AERA), the Society for Research on Educational Effectiveness (SREE), and the National Research Council of the National Academies, as well as the editorial boards of Sociology of Education and Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis. Locally, she has served as a Mayor’s Appointee in the Harvey Relief Fund Advisory Board, tasked with disseminating $100M, and is also serving on the Texas State Board of Education’s Long-Range Plan for Public Education Steering Committee.

Turley completed her undergraduate work at Stanford University (1996) and received her Ph.D. in Sociology from Harvard University (2001), where she was a doctoral fellow at the Kennedy School of Government’s Multidisciplinary Program in Inequality and Social Policy. Prior to coming to Rice, she was an assistant and associate professor of sociology at the University of Wisconsin – Madison, where she was a faculty affiliate of the Wisconsin Center for Education Research (WCER), the Interdisciplinary Training Program in Education Sciences (ITP), and the Institute for Research on Poverty (IRP). In 2004, she was a National Academy of Education Postdoctoral Fellow. 


The Carver Cast engages with Christian faculty in higher education and highlights the work of those faculty to bridge connections between university, church, and society. In doing so, it seeks to disrupt the perceptions that Christians are “anti-intellectual” and that higher education is “anti-Christian.” Tune in for a wide-ranging discussion with faculty around the country, with mediocre production quality but excellent content!

Penina Laker and John Inazu are Carver Project faculty fellows and members of the faculty at Washington University in St. Louis, where Laker is assistant professor of communication design and Inazu is a professor of law and religion.

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